Thursday, December 9, 2010

We're moving...!

...virtually, that is.

The blog is moving to...

I hope you'll update your favorites, keep clicking on facebook, change your rss feed or whatever you do to be a big part of my little world!!



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's the little things

There are lots of little things about Chris that bug me. He leaves his whiskers in the sink. He farts in bed and then puts the covers over my head. He refuses to put ANYTHING away EVER.

And there are definitely little things that I do that bug him. I have a tendency not to wash out my cups right after I use them. My hair gets EVERYWHERE. I speak to Henry in baby talk.

But there are a lot of little things Chris does that I love! I was made very aware of that this morning. Chris is currently in Columbus for work. I had to take the dogs out and feed them. I did not give myself extra time and I had to rush to get ready for work. I probably should have shoveled our very snowy driveway as well but I had a SUV and very little time so I just powered through.

So here is a big public thank you for the little things Chris does that makes my life a little easier! Below are just a few-
  • Taking the dogs out for the last time at night
  • Taking the dogs out first thing in the morning

  • Snow blowing

  • Mowing the lawn

  • Making me pancakes with chocolate chips

  • Fixing things that are broken

  • Buying me Starbursts for no reason

  • Writing notes with the aforementioned Starbursts

  • Being totally adorable with our dog

  • Kissing me goodbye in the morning even when I don't wake up
He's not so bad. I think I'll keep him.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hide ya' kids...

I saw this today and it made me laugh.

That is all.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Here comes the holi-daze! Pt. 1- Thankskegging!

Most of us grow up spending the holidays with our families. We all have different traditions- go to grandma's house, family comes to your house or you rotate holidays (like my family). You may see only one side of your family on a given holiday or you may see both. You may combine both sides or do 2 celebrations. Whatever the traditions are, they are your own.

At some point- usually in your 20's- all that changes. You start dating and suddenly the holidays become a conversation. Are you celebrating together? Are you going to both families or just one? Are we hosting? The more family- the more complicated it gets. Start having babies and you've got a whole other discussion!

But you create new traditions. Traditions that are yours alone. Those traditions can involved family and friends. And though people you love move away, get married and have kids- the holidays always seem to draw us together.

Seven years ago, Chris and his friends created their own holiday tradition. Thankskegging. The Aces decided in 2004 that it made sense to have a kegger on Thanksgiving weekend because everyone was home! Between Tom's food and the flowing beers- this was tradition that was bound for success. Since then it has become the cornerstone event of the Aces social calendar. I was brought into the fold in 2005. What do I remember of that first Thankskegging? I remember arriving at 10pm- just as the keg ran out. Sober Sara to the rescue! Megan, JT and I went to Giant Eagle and purchased 9 cases of Natty Light. I was 21 and it was the most beer I had ever purchased.

In the years since, a lot has changed. The Aces have moved more times then I can count. 4/6 are married. 1/6 has kids! Yet, Thankskegging lives on. The crowd is always changing. One year there were 5 aces present- one year only 4. Some years the party goes on late into the night. Some years it clears out early. One year my mother-in-law (before she was my MIL) did a keg stand and a beer bong in the same night!

This year was a rarety. All 6 Aces came together. It was as if time and distance and the complications of life didn't exist. It was just fun. So much fun you would have thought we were college kids instead of adults with families and jobs. But as adults with families and jobs, we appreciate nights like this so much more. The more life intervenes, the less these nights happen and the more special they are. It makes me smile and it makes me appreciate having such amazing friends.
Things I'll remember most from this year? The # of people who used the term "outdrink the drunk" and the fact that Jill and Susan- the moms of the group- were still at it when the party was closing down at 2am! Pure awesome!
5/6 Aces ladies (-Summer)...
The Aces!...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Getting my just desserts

I realize that to many of you that is not a statement that requires all caps or exclamation points. For me it is. I am not a cook...or a baker. I love food. Eating is probably one of my favorite things. But I am not a cook.

In my family, growing up, we did a lot of eating out. I became a conniseour of the mid-level chain restaurants. Applebees, Baker Square, TGI Fridays- I love them all. My mom cooked occasionally- sometimes actual cooking and sometimes something more like 'throw a Stouffers meal in the oven' cooking. I am told it runs in the family. My mom's sister is the same way. And it has moved down the line to me (...and my sister...and my cousins). Gosh, I love eating out. I do cook occasionally but eating out is just SO MUCH EASIER (thank god I have a metabollism that is on my side in this love affair).

So, for me to make cookies FROM SCRATCH is a big deal. ...I don't know if I have ever baked anything from scratch. My favorite 'homemade' dessert is bundt cake made from boxed devil's food cake and pre-packaged cream cheese frosting (seriously- this is what I ask my mom for on my birthday to this day).

But for some reason, I got out my grandma's recipe and decided I was going to make cookies. Oatmeal cookies to be more specific. The recipe was for oatmeal raisin cookies but I can only be so healthy (not that something involving a cup of butter is ever healthy) so instead of raisins I used chocolate and butterscotch chips. YUM!

So, last night I got out my recipe and my ingredients and I was ready to go.

Or, I would have been ready if I had any cinnamon. PREP FAIL. But I would not be deterred. Enter SUPER CHRIS to save the day! He stopped by Giant Eagle on his way home and procured the very neccesary cinnamon ---but not without quoting Strongbad (Strongbad:'I didn't know you had to shave.' Homestar Runner: 'I don't, it's cinnamon.') I digress... Moral of the story- Cinnamon purchased. On with the show.
Overall - it was really easy! I almost put in half as much butter as neccesary but double checked my measurements when the recipe said "blend until creamy" and the mess in my bowl looked like a granola bar before it gets formed. Crisis averted! I have to say- the raw cookie dough with the oatmeal didn't look especially appetizing.

But they baked up beautifully! I didn't even burn them.

Did I mention they taste amazing?? They totally do. If you are nice to me, I might give you some. I'm pretty proud and who knows, maybe I'll do it again soon!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Going to the dogs...part 2 (The foster dogs cometh)

Sorry for the delay on this... computer problems.

So... when we left off there was a family of 3- Sara, Chris and super beagle, Henry. Life with a puppy, like many things, got easier with practice. Henry adapted to our schedule and all was right with the world. We have friends with multiple dogs and would occasionally talk about getting a second dog. But by this time, Chris was starting law school at night and life was busy.

We stayed involved and interested in The Mutt Hutt and Secondhand Mutts from the beginning. Henry went to daycare occasionally and though there were NO plans to get a second dog, I would check the website regularly looking at all the dogs that needed homes. In July, we went to the Secondhand Mutts reunion and got to see all the adorable mutts looking for a new home. Somehow, using all our will, we were able to keep ourselves from taking one of those little angels home (that time).

Fast forward to Halloween and the Mutt Hutt's Muttsquerade. We all dressed up and, yes, I did put my dog in costume (I am THAT pet owner and I LIKE it)...

HENRY BATMAN! He would not tolerate the bat ears and the cape ended up dragging on the floor almost immediately after we got to the event but it was still pretty awesome! That night we met played with the dogs, socialized, drank a bit and met an adorable little mutt named, Mustard. Well, long story short, i have no self-control and he came home with me the next day. 2 dogs was not nearly as much of an adjustment as I had expected. I didn't have as much time to train as I had before but Mustard was so little that it didn't seem as neccesary as it had been with my hyper beagle. A week into fostering, I left Mustard & Henry with my parents overnight while I went out for Halloween. Mustard must have gotten really comfortable because he never left. A week later my mom adopted him, renaming him Paco (because if you are going to have a Mexican dog, you gotta give him a stereotypical Mexican name, right? hmmm...). My mom treats Paco like he is the little brother I never had. It really is strange for those of us who know that she never liked dogs, wanted a dog or cared for a dog in the past. But- things change!
Mustard/Paco was the first foster dog. Since then there has been Abraham Beagle Man, Handsome, Miss Hambone, Jenni Craig and currently- Rocket.

People always ask me how I can foster dogs and not want to keep them. Strangely, I have not had the urge (yet). Chris is rather attached to Rocket but I am trying to be the voice of reason...
1. 2 dogs are much harder to pass off on my parents when we go away for the weekend (which we do frequently). 2. A second dog will put a real damper on our fostering... and I really like being able to be transitional housing. I meet lots of dogs and touch lots of four legged lives.... and that makes me happy. :)
If you would like to know how you can make a difference in a dog's life, visit or your local APL!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Going to the dogs... part 1

Since I was on a prolonged blogging hiatus when we got Henry, he has only been mentioned briefly in this blog. I'll start with his full story today and then move on to how our life has been taken over by fabulous four-legged friends...

Anyone who knew me growing up and lost touch would probably be shocked and amazed to find out I have a dog. I had a ...miscommunication... with a neighborhood golden retriever when I was 4 that shaped my doggie world view for years to come. Small dogs were managable but larger dogs scared the pudding out of me.

I honestly can't pinpoint when my fear started to subside. During college, my parents friends had 2 older dogs that were just too sweet to fear. Then my sister started dating Brian Phelps and I got to know his dog, Qili...

About this time (2 1/2 years ago), Chris and I started talking about the possibility of a dog and what breeds we like. Chris said he wanted an English Mastiff. I said not a chance in hell. It didn't matter very much though because we lived in a small apartment and both worked 2 jobs.

Fastforward to fall. I go back to working one job, we get engaged and we have a house. Oh how things change... but we agreed that it would be silly for us to get a dog before we get married. HA! We both started looking right away. I see lots of adorable dogs I would love to have. And then one cold January night, I was cruising petfinder and saw the sweetest little face. One you couldn't help but love. Chris thought he was cute too, not the mastiff he wanted, but an adorable beagle mix- big enough to avoid teasing for friends about having a purse dog and small enough for Sara's wishes.

Again we said it- we don't want to get a dog before we get married. Our wedding was 4 months away. This dog is a pipe dream (but such a cute one!). Not to mention the fact that neither Chris not I had ANY experience with dogs. But day after day, I would go online and look at this dog, Henry. He was a 7 month old beagle mix who had been found on the street with a broken leg. He was taken in by Project Noah, nursed back to health and put up for adoption through Secondhand Mutts (the rescue arm of The Mutt Hutt in Tremont). I looked and looked... and looked some more. I showed the site to friends and family. Finally, I gave in, emailing the rescue to see if it was an option to foster this handsome little man to make sure we could handle the responsibility. It was! Lots of emotions rushed through me. Joy. Rapture. Complete and total fear. Mostly the fear.

The day I took him home, Henry went in the house 3 times, chewed through 5 dollar store toys and started to steal my heart. Here is a picture from that first night (this rope toy made it 2 days)...

Things got better. We bought better toys (kong and nylabone are our best friends these days). The accidents became fewer and and farther between. I became totally obsessed with the show "it's me or the dog" and training books. But I still wasn't sure if this was something we could manage permenantly. Chris was still working 2 jobs so I was basically a single doggie foster mom. Not to mention that by this point it was February and the snow was 2 feet deep. Standing outside every 2 hrs waiting for a puppy to go to the bathroom was not really my idea of fun. We had to dig Henry a potty area in the backyard because the snow was up past his belly. Then 2 weeks in, we had to make a decision. Someone wanted to meet Henry. They were interested in adopting him. Still totally unsure, our answer was immediate- we want to keep him.

We've come a long way since then. I taught Henry to lay down, stay, come, dance and high-five. Some of my proudest accomplishements! Our families fell in love and have been the biggest help! To this day I wonder how Henry broke his leg and where he was the first 6 months of his life. If only my beagle could talk! Henry is part of the family now and we have an agreement that is never allowed to die. So glad we are on the same page about that. So, to finish off- here are a few pictures from the last year & a half in Henry Land. Next post - the foster dogs cometh!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The baby boom

Let's just start off by saying... I am NOT pregnant.

It seems like in the last year or 2 my Facebook has been taken over by babies. I can't sign online without seeing my friend's little ones. So many of my friend's are jumping on the baby bandwagon. Dont' get me wrong. Babies are some of my favorite people. I mean, these 3 have so much of my love it is ridiculous!

2010...I love kids. I started babysitting when I was 12 and would probably be a full-time nanny if I didn't do what I do. I especially love my friends kids. I like looking at pictures, i like updates, i like getting as much cuddle time in as I can. But I must admit, I get a little jealous. As much as conversations about a woman's internal clock make me want to vomit, I cannot help but admit that I want to start having, YESTERDAY.

Trust me, the logical part of me realizes that having a baby right now would be hard (with Chris's law school schedule it would be a lot like single parent kinda hard). And I'm only 26. I like my life and the freedom I have. I like the our little family- me, Chris and Henry. I like being able to foster dogs when I have the time. Oh! ...and I like my figure and the very small amount of work I have to do to keep it!

And for all those reasons- and more- Chris and I are not on the baby making train and won't be for a while. But I can't help but want it. And until I can have it, I will get in as much cuddle time as I can with little guys like Nathan and Jimmy...

Monday, October 25, 2010

...and we're back!

I'm finding the time again! That's right, I'm back to blogging. I love reading blogs on my down time at work and a favorite blog swapping session with my fabulous friend, Mrs. Lindsay Phillips, has motivated me to get back to writing my own blog. It was actually pretty fun to open this blog up and look back 2 years. A lot has happened since then. For those who weren't paying attention, here is what you missed...

November 2008- Chris and I are home owners! We moved into a perfect little starter home...

Since then we have painted every nook and cranny (or that is what it feels like!), installed new AC, garage door, kitchen appliances, washer & dryer, backsplash and a garbage disposal! I had a blast decorating and it truly feels like a home!

January 2009- Welcome Henry Puppypants! We said we wouldn't get a dog before we got married. HA! I found this guy online and could not stop checking him out. 2 weeks later he was ours. Thanks to Secondhand Mutts ( for bringing us this adorable guy and becoming an integral part of our lives over the last 2 years. (btw-I'm totally one of those annoying dog people. I love this little guy like crazy.)

May 2009- WE GET MARRIED! After a whirlwind 8 month engagement and lot of planning, Chris and I tied the knot at Windows on the River in front of our nearest and dearest. Thanks for everyone for making it the perfect day.

August 2009- Chris Goes To Law School. That's right- motorcycle man is now a snooty law student (well maybe not snooty). I could not be more proud of him. He is managing to stay sane while working his day job, going to school at night, and now competing with the Cleveland-Marshall Trial Team. Sadly, no picture for this one but I can't wait for the day when I get to post a picture of him in his cap and gown (that's about 2 1/2 years away in case you are wondering.)

Well, I think I have covered the basics. The last year has been a lot of law school, weddings, babies (not ours but man i love cuddling my friend's babies!) and lots of work on the house. Starting with my next post I'll get into what's new and fresh.

Special thanks to Lindsay Phillips for motivating me with blog love and Beth Brady of for always keeping me entertained with her blog!

