Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The baby boom

Let's just start off by saying... I am NOT pregnant.

It seems like in the last year or 2 my Facebook has been taken over by babies. I can't sign online without seeing my friend's little ones. So many of my friend's are jumping on the baby bandwagon. Dont' get me wrong. Babies are some of my favorite people. I mean, these 3 have so much of my love it is ridiculous!

2010...I love kids. I started babysitting when I was 12 and would probably be a full-time nanny if I didn't do what I do. I especially love my friends kids. I like looking at pictures, i like updates, i like getting as much cuddle time in as I can. But I must admit, I get a little jealous. As much as conversations about a woman's internal clock make me want to vomit, I cannot help but admit that I want to start having, YESTERDAY.

Trust me, the logical part of me realizes that having a baby right now would be hard (with Chris's law school schedule it would be a lot like single parent kinda hard). And I'm only 26. I like my life and the freedom I have. I like the our little family- me, Chris and Henry. I like being able to foster dogs when I have the time. Oh! ...and I like my figure and the very small amount of work I have to do to keep it!

And for all those reasons- and more- Chris and I are not on the baby making train and won't be for a while. But I can't help but want it. And until I can have it, I will get in as much cuddle time as I can with little guys like Nathan and Jimmy...

1 comment:

Beth said...

timing is everything! Enjoy your pre baby days because you won't get them back once you have your first!

Wish you lived closer so you could snuggle our little one and get your baby fix that way. ;o)