Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bad Sara does not blog enough. It's almost Christmas and I have not posted since Thanksgiving. Shame on me. Well, you'll all just have to understand that planning a wedding and moving into a new house take up a lot of time.

So--- the house is amazing. I keep promising people I'm gonna post pictures and I will, I swear! Soon...

As for the wedding--- we got our engagement pics, booked our honeymoon (Mexico!) and ordered our save the dates. They are supposed to come in today. Could not be more excited about that! Here's a few of our engagement pics...

Happy Holidays all! I, for one, will be sad to see the holiday season go. January and February can be so dreary. However, the amount I have drank and ate over the last month has been ridiculous. I'll be happy to get back to a little healthier lifestyle.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey married woman..I think you should update more!

AND you should check out my blog cause youre in it. :o)